Sunday, August 8, 2010
The Prata Place
So we've had Italian, Chinese, Malay, now we have Indian (we try to be multicultural)! Both Jane and I are raving about this quaint Indian restaurant just off Upper Thomson Road. It's like your usual prata shop, but with air-con! We all know how important that is to us Singaporeans :)
How awesome would it be to have Indian food in a comfortable surrounding for once, instead of a hot, stuffy coffee shop? Their prices are reasonable and for the food quality you're getting, ho ho ho you're in for a treat! Crispy prata freshly made once you order, no pre-cooking and stacking like they do elsewhere. Ask for fish curry. I always do.
Jane's favorite was the prata bomb. If you don't know what this is, you suck. It's basically a sweet prata that's laced with honey and sugar and whether you have it with curry or by itself, you'll have an addiction that's really cheap to support! You might think that in an air-conditioned restaurant, perspiring wouldn't be an issue. Right, Jane? You wanna tell them how you can't even handle mild curry? Oh wait, I just did. I'm gonna do it again: Jane cannot take anything spicy! HA HA HA, what a wuss... She was tearing and had beads of sweat on her forehead throughout! Regardless, we were close to licking our plates when we were done.
I tried the mutton briyani and was just shocked at how much mutton they gave me! I was out of rice and still had mutton left over. They were really tender and very well cooked. The mutton pieces don't taste funky whatsoever (you know how when you have mutton soup and the mutton taste funky and you wonder if they just came across a dead, rotting lamb and decided to harvest the meat from it?). It's got the right amount of spiciness (which would be too much for Jane anyway).
Finally, we're out of Yishun...
Sunday, August 1, 2010
They Say One - Carrot Cake

Chomp Chomp
20 Kensington Park Road
Once you've ploughed through the crowd of vultures waiting rudely for seats and finally manage to get one yourself, the first dish you MUST order is the Carrot Cake (Chai Tao Kueh). It's the first stall on the right so it's impossible to miss. For real, it's worth the bruises and scars from battling it out with other people for a place to sit. They're probably there for the Carrot Cake too.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
They Say One - Satay

Jalan Mata Ayer
Along Sembawang Road
'Uncle, ah... 15 sticks mutton extra onions please!' That was how our Friday night satay galore began.
At $0.50 a stick, these well-marinated sticks of meat are sure to make any vegetarian feel like a rotten cucumber. This is old school satay-making I'm talking about. Smokey-ozone-depleting-carbon-footprint-leaving barbecuing. So you know it's bloody good.
The peanut sauce they have is so thick and filled with peanuts (you can see whole peanuts in there) that you can turn the bowl of gravy over and it'd take 13 minutes before the sauce actually leaves the bowl. If you're really cheap, you can just get the sauce and eat it. It's good enough to eat on its own and sure to fill you up.

So if you're on a diet, this might cause you to fall off the wagon. But who cares? You could get really fat and I'm sure if you order enough satay from them, they'd deliver them.

Sunday, July 18, 2010
They Say One - Ramen

#03-50 Northpoint, Yishun
So in view of the mad ass floods here in Singapore, we thought of going for something hot and soupy. You'll be surprised where we found this place.
It's none other than Northpoint, Yishun! I know, right? Who in their right minds would think of Yishun when it comes to spankin' good food! Well, apparently there are some joints there that don't serve diarrhea-inducing food whose appearance reminds you of something from the Michael Jackson music video, Thriller. Okay fine, the main reason Yishun is getting so much flak is cos Jane lives there (yeah, e-mail me for her exact address. I'll provide the eggs.)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Julius' Pickup Line of the week
You make my mouth water
Monday, July 12, 2010
The Winning Stance!
We have our winner!

Quite creative, huh?
He used an ironing board as a surfboard and put on a blazer... and is that boxers he's wearing?

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Double Dare Tie-Breaker!
It was going to be a battle of stamina, balance...and let's face it...who looks cooler. We were gonna ride the Flow Rider for Double Dare Champion bragging rights! To make us look cool and professional, Billabong fitted us with a rash-guard and board shorts. But when push came to shove...well, you've gotta see for yourself!
Whatever the outcome...I (Jane) definitely won in the cool department! Thank you very much!
*Mario, thanks for directing and producing :)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Saybons French Food Factory

#B2-32 (Near Carl's Junior)
Tel: 6884 9018
In this week's They Say One, we headed down to Plaza Singapura for some soup. Now this is soup like no other. It's the kind of soup you'd want even on a blinking hot day! Yeap...that's how good this soup is.
You'll have to excuse, Julius. He thinks he's the next big thing...'thinks' being the operative word here.
So about this soup, it's thick and brothy and I'm salivating just thinking about it.Our favourite is the Seafood Bisque. Couldn't have enough of that. I also really liked the Broccoli and Cheddar. Julius, couldn't fathom anything with Broccoli being yummy, but I think he secretly liked it.
This is James, our soup pourer with chops of steel! Check those side burns out, Julius could learn a thing or two from him.
Top row from the left, we have Tomato, Potato and Leek and Wild Mushroom soups. Followed by my favourites, Brocolli and Cheddar and Seafood Bisque.
We've heard rave reviews about their soups but how are their crepes?
They're AWESOME!
I kept thinking something's gotta give, their soups and crepes can't both be good, right?
Wrong!Their crepes are really thin and consistent which makes you want to punch yourself for not having tried them sooner. The mushroom and cheese crepe (above) we tried was overflowing with melted cheese and chunky mushroom pieces.
Next, we had the Nutty Nutella crepe (above). For all you chocolate lovers and haters out there, this will satisfy you in every way possible... Nutella + freshly made crepes = foodgasm (I coined that term myself. I should trademark it...)!
Personally, I would order both the Cheese and Mushroom and Nutty Nutella, because choosing just one would be a sin. And yes, the nutella one smells like a warm, chocolate hug.
If you're thinking of having a family outing at Saybons and are concerned about seating, fret not! They'll be expanding in August 2010 to a sit-in bistro right next to their current location (right where Julius is pointing, that's if you can spot him).
Another know how you can't bring food into the cinemas unless it's from the cinema snackbar? Ok, I know most of us sneak in food in our big mother of a bag, yes ladies...I know your secret, cos I do it too! Here's some great news...Saybons cut a deal with GV Plaza to allow cinema goers to bring their soups into their theatres.
How cool is that? Well, it does take away the joys of sneaking around but I'm not complaining!From experience, once you've tried a Saybons soup, you'll be craving for it especially when you're under the weather. Hell, they're so good you might even consider falling ill on purpose so you can get your mom to bring you some :)
If you know a cheap, good place which has fan-bloody-tastic food, let us in on the secret! Email either one of us at or
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Surfing Stance
Email, with your name, NRIC, contact and of course the picture!
Here's a sample...

You know you want them...
Email now! Good Luck!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Wavehouse, baby!
We ended Double Dare on a draw about a week back. Draws are for wussies! We don't do least I don't! Can't say the same about Julius.
Wavehouse, Sentosa. Flowrider. 5pm. Today.
We gonna fight for Double Dare Champion bragging rights, even if it drenches us!
(I might have watched a wee bit too much of 300, last night)
Do you wanna ride the flowrider?
Send us a photo of your best surfing stance. Take a picture at home, in school, at work, in the loo, while on the loo, wherever really and send it in to
You've got till this Sunday, babies!
Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it
Monday, July 5, 2010
Ayam Penyet Ria

304 Orchard Road
Tel: 6235 6390
Tel: 6235 7385
ps: I (Jane) accidently deleted all the pictures so I stole this one from their website :) Not to worry though, I'll be heading down sometime soon to take more pictures. It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it, right?
So if you like to torture yourself with spicy food this is the best place to do it. Personally, I'm not a fan of spicy food, so I was a little apprehensive. But Julius, being the cocky brat that he is, said he eats chilli padi for breakfast and was more than ready.
We headed down to Lucky Plaza to sample this gorgeously yummy looking dish and got a bit lost. The stall's tucked away in a corner so my suggestion is to take the escalator to the 4th level and turn left. You can't miss it.
Two plates of ayam penyet, a glass of avacado juice and chendol cost us $30. Pretty damn worth it, actually. Remember how I said I hated spicy food, apparently not that much! As for Julius-I-eat-chilli-padis-for-breakfast, he was crying like a wittle baby. All talk and no action that boy.
The chicken was oh so tender and succulent. The fried crumbs that they are very generous with is yummy when mixed with the rice or even on its own. What else is on your plate? There's a slice of fried tofu, a tempek and green leafy vege. All this mixed with their special chilli and rice is heavenly.
As for their drinks, I absolutely loved their avacado juice. It was thick, creamy and sweet. Very yum! Julius didn't quite like his chendol cos of the bits of jackfruit. He was just being a fusspot.
This place is packed during lunch and dinner on weekdays and especially the weekends. Make reservations if you hate to queue.
If you know a cheap, good place which has fan-bloody-tastic food, let us in on the secret! Email either one of us at or
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Gimpy, Oh Gimpy...
We approached the cage and saw this terrified, shivering, hungry, teary-eyed and SMELLY (seriously, the smell was enough to make Jane smell lovely) puppy pawing at the cage door at us. Immediately, we carried the cage, loaded it into my car, and headed for my place (oh yeah baby, Jane was comin' back to mine!). As soon as we got home, we held our breaths and showered the poor little thing. We scrubbed, lathered and repeated. In retrospect, I should've given Jane a bath as well.
All dried and fluffy, we took her from my room (yes, Jane was in my room) back downstairs to the garden for her to run around. It was then that we realized she'd been kept in her cage for so long that her hind legs were too weak to support her. She was waddling around the place like a retarded duck. It was tragically cute, though. In light of this, we called her Gimpy (it means handicapped/lame). We decided to take her to the vet in the morning and in spite of my persuading Jane to stay over, she went home. Damn.
The next day, bright and early, we were at the vet getting Jane checked for fleas. Okay no not really, cos the doctor didn't want to go anywhere near her. Isn't it awesome I'm writing the posts? I can type anything I want. Jane's a tool. Jane loves me. Jane wants me. See? So the vet gave Gimpy a thorough checkup and granted her a clean bill of health! He said that her legs needed strengthening and will recover with time. Woot!
Since then, we've been shuttling Gimpy between Jane's and my place cos we both were so smitten. She's eating and drinking well and playfully waddling about. I'm still trying to convince Jane that we should think of Gimpy as our child, but she just rolls her eyes and gives me the 'not a chance in hell, buddy' look. I'm just happy she's even looking at me.
To the previous owners of Gimpy who bloody abandoned her in a cage full of her own urine and feces: you're despicably irresponsible and should be penalized severely for committing such an inhuman act. I sincerely wish upon you the same treatment which you so repugnantly showed your dog.
To every one else, rock on!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Peperoni Pizzeria
If you know a cheap, good place which has fan-bloody-tastic food, let us in on the secret! Email either one of us at or